Friday, March 15, 2013

The Tail of two Poodles by Roxie and Rameses

The life of two poodles and the joy and love the give to their happy human family.

 Meet Rameses, born June 26, 2012 (our soon to be adopted 9 month old babe).  He will eventually turn silver/grey.

Letter from Ram to his new human family:

I love oysters!

Look at my long tail! 

This is my mommy.  She is a party poodle mamma.  I get my fun side from her ;)

 This is my champion show dog metro Daddy, Phil.  He is #2 Champion in the country.  I get my good looks from him.  He is also #1 Search, Rescue, and Narcotic Detection dog in Texas.     So I must have an amazing sense of smell.

Here I am running with Gypsy

This is our sweet 10 year old girl, Roxie. 

Queen Roxie Morel, on her royal throne, awaits for her Prince Ramsey to arrive. She is the ruler of this land. She is Alpha female. Make no mistake, Ram will do as she pleases.

Roxie has been and always will be our angel on earth doggie.  Always here to comfort and love us.  We love you Roxie!

drawings by zack :)
Roxie makes the news!